Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday May 29, 2012

The day started wet and it was raining and the wind was strong as we walked to the club house for our free pan cake breakfast. The coffee and pancakes were very good but the fellowship with the fellow travelers was even better. We went for breakfast at 7:00 and we visited there with other full timers until after 10:00. Really got some good information on Thousand Trails and Resort of Distinction. One couple, Dave and Kay, even had an app that put all the Thousand Trails, ROD, FlyingJ, Petro, Corp of Engineers,  RPI, and many other sites on our Delormi 2012 mapping system. This will come in handy as we travel around the USA.

It has rained off and on all day so we played games and visited with fellow travelers.

Linda found a loose cabinet door that I had to fix. She said if I fix it as she finds it we will keep a good house.

All is well and we look for good weather tomorrow when Linda wants to replenish our stores.


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