Saturday, May 26, 2012

Another day in our new life.  We are really at peace with what we have chosen to do. Linda is happy and content. I know she does not have to work as hard.

Today was another hot day here in Unadilla, Ga. but it was as hot in Florida too. It was a high of 94 here and full sunshine.

Got up and had our free pan cake breakfast again. It is every Tues through Sat - Not a bad deal. We didn't go anywhere today but had a real nice visit with Paul and Julie from Mi. They travel for 7 months a year and stay in Mi to play in the snow. Seems upside down to me - Summer in the hot south and winter in the cold north.
Here are 2 pics of the lake that has the really big cat fish in. Hopefully tomorrow I can share a picture of Linda and me getting the prize for the largest fish.

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