Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday May 28, 2012,

A cloudy and windy day today. The tropical storm going into Jacksonville, Florida has had little effect on us here in Unadilla, GA. We have had much cooler weather and very cloudy and windy. The cooler weather is very welcomed.

Met and visited with a couple here that are new full timers. Had a real nice visit. They are members of ROD and are from Florida. They have a nice fifth wheel they travel in. They are also members of the Escapees and I talked to them quite a bit about that club as we are considering joining them. We do not need the mail forwarding service so will probably not join. It looks like a good group to be affiliated  with but the $70.00 membership looks hard to justify.

We are still enjoying the wonderful facilities and the super friendly staff here at this park. We only have Tues and Wed left here and we move on the north Ga. Linda did the wash today. She likes the on board washer and dryer.

Nothing really interesting to write about today so will close for today.

Otis and Linda

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