Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday May 27, 2012

A beautiful, though hot, day in our new life. We got up early and went to church at the place I took a picture shown in yesterday's post. There were about a dozen folks at church. Sang some good old religious songs and had a good message from a motorcycle layman. It was good and very Biblical. After church we went fishing. Linda caught one right away - big carp - and then we watch the children catch one after another. As you can see, there were a couple of nice cats caught. While it is a catch and release pond, the owner said the kids could keep the cats as there are too many in the pond.   

The dinner was outstanding. All catered. We had brisket, chicken and pulled pork. Potato salad, baked beans, Pasta salad, cole slaw, buns, pickles, tomatoes, cookies, pataiso  (sp) salad, ice tea, lemonade, and some other stuff! It was all very very good. Linda said no supper tonight! After dinner there was Bingo! What a wonderful weekend here at this ROD park. Sure never expected a shindig like this - all free!! Of course the free breakfasts start again on Tuesday. This full timing can be very inexpensive!

I guess I could become a salesman for Resorts of Distinction based on what we have experienced thus far.

Below are some pictures of the events of the day!

 Linda with the first fish
 One of the good cats - it went home with her!
 Here are two happy fishermen. Biggest fish!
 food on one table. meat was on the table in the back.
 Mark, The owner of Southern Trails RV Resort in Unadilla, GA. If you are on I75 in this area, stop in and say hello to one great guy.
 From the back of the hall looking towards the meat table.

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