Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday May 31, 2012

I guess my great grandson trained us to well. We had to get up at 6:30 to care for him as his parents had early hours job. Well, we still get up at 6:30!  We had our pancakes breakfast and left the park after closing the RV down. Got about 8 miles up I 75 and I couldn't fine my cell phone. Linda dialed the number and we did not hear the ring so we decided to make a return to the RV park and look for it! Some start to our move to a new RV park. After we found a spot to park the rig I got out to disconnect the car so we could drive it back to find my phone. As I stepped off the RV I felt the phone in my pocket!! Dumb - huh?  In any case I praised the Lord as we found it before we disconnected the car and drove all the way back to the  RV park.

The road to North Shores Resort near Greensboro was rather slow as we were on back roads in GA. We stopped at a Pilot Service Area to fuel up. We tried to go to the front pumps but there just wasn't enough room. So we drove around to the truck fueling pumps. While we were in Southern Trails, Wayne Cassada called and told us that Good Sam was opening up the program to get a lifetime membership. I looked on the internet and it was $499 - to much, but Wayne said if I called an 800 number it was $199. So I did and we purchased the lifetime program. The reason we did this is that Pilot gives 8 cents off a gallon of diesel and that seemed pretty good to me. To my surprise, we did get the 8 cents discount. Guess we can say something good for computers. That was a fast upgrade - 2 days! The cost came to $3.61 a gallon with the 8 cents discount! That will help on our trip across this wonderful country.

When we got to the North Shores Resort we drove up to the lowered gate and I stopped the motor to get out and register. A lady was at the drivers window and asked if I was Otis Lutz, She had our package in her hand and the map to the site we will have for 2 weeks and said that all was ready and I could go directly to our site. I think we are really going to like this Resort of Distinctions. 50 amp service - free! Sounds good to me. Linda is very happy with this resort as there is a Publix grocery store within 9 miles. One happy camper.

When we left Southern Trails Resort our new fellow full timers gave us a loaf of home made bread. We saved it for dinner after we set up. Man was it good! 

When we parked at our site and leveled I told Linda it would be a miracle if we could get Direct TV  through all the trees. Well God gave us a miracle as we have perfect HD Direct TV! We are set for 2 weeks here.

 Our RV site a North Shores Resort

It is 98 degrees out as I write this. To hot to play miniature golf.

Otis and Linda Lutz

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wednesday May 30, 2012

This is our last day at the Southern Trail RV Resort. We will miss it as it has a really great management group. Our stay has been made most enjoyable by the efforts of the staff. We will be sure to return to this resort in the future.

Today the weather has been wonderful. Very little wind and lots of sunshine. Got very warm as it is 89 degrees here.

Today we ate with our full-timing friends and after breakfast one couple left. They are traveling down to Mims, Florida. He had all the Thousand Trails parks on a disk and he put them on my Delormi Street Atlas. Included were all the Passport America, VA Clinics, Wal-Marts, AOR, Camping World, Corps of Engineers, Flying J, Pilot, and dozens of more locations important to RV'rs. You can select which sites you want to be displayed. I can see where this will be real handy in selecting your travel route.

After we completed the software upgrade we went to do some grocery shopping. Went to a local Piggly Wiggly to pick up some things before we head out tomorrow. The items in the store were not fresh at all so we headed on up the road to a Wal-Mart. Prices were better and the food was much fresher.

The other big effort today was to upgrade our Thousand Trails membership to include Mid Atlantic Parks and Outdoor Resorts. One of the big advantages is we can now go park to park for 3 weeks at a time with no out of the system time. Prior to the upgrade, we could only go for 2 weeks at a time - and if we stayed even a little as 1 day at a TT Park we had to be out of the system 7 days. I feel that this is a real improvement on our full timing. In addition we can no make reservations 120 days ahead. A real plus for getting into a park around holidays and the peak travel season. Linda and I debated all last evening and this morning before we spent the money.

This evening we prepare to leave in the morning. We will have our pancake breakfast in the club house and have the wheels turning by 10:00

Otis and Linda - on the road

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday May 29, 2012

The day started wet and it was raining and the wind was strong as we walked to the club house for our free pan cake breakfast. The coffee and pancakes were very good but the fellowship with the fellow travelers was even better. We went for breakfast at 7:00 and we visited there with other full timers until after 10:00. Really got some good information on Thousand Trails and Resort of Distinction. One couple, Dave and Kay, even had an app that put all the Thousand Trails, ROD, FlyingJ, Petro, Corp of Engineers,  RPI, and many other sites on our Delormi 2012 mapping system. This will come in handy as we travel around the USA.

It has rained off and on all day so we played games and visited with fellow travelers.

Linda found a loose cabinet door that I had to fix. She said if I fix it as she finds it we will keep a good house.

All is well and we look for good weather tomorrow when Linda wants to replenish our stores.


Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday May 28, 2012,

A cloudy and windy day today. The tropical storm going into Jacksonville, Florida has had little effect on us here in Unadilla, GA. We have had much cooler weather and very cloudy and windy. The cooler weather is very welcomed.

Met and visited with a couple here that are new full timers. Had a real nice visit. They are members of ROD and are from Florida. They have a nice fifth wheel they travel in. They are also members of the Escapees and I talked to them quite a bit about that club as we are considering joining them. We do not need the mail forwarding service so will probably not join. It looks like a good group to be affiliated  with but the $70.00 membership looks hard to justify.

We are still enjoying the wonderful facilities and the super friendly staff here at this park. We only have Tues and Wed left here and we move on the north Ga. Linda did the wash today. She likes the on board washer and dryer.

Nothing really interesting to write about today so will close for today.

Otis and Linda

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday May 27, 2012

A beautiful, though hot, day in our new life. We got up early and went to church at the place I took a picture shown in yesterday's post. There were about a dozen folks at church. Sang some good old religious songs and had a good message from a motorcycle layman. It was good and very Biblical. After church we went fishing. Linda caught one right away - big carp - and then we watch the children catch one after another. As you can see, there were a couple of nice cats caught. While it is a catch and release pond, the owner said the kids could keep the cats as there are too many in the pond.   

The dinner was outstanding. All catered. We had brisket, chicken and pulled pork. Potato salad, baked beans, Pasta salad, cole slaw, buns, pickles, tomatoes, cookies, pataiso  (sp) salad, ice tea, lemonade, and some other stuff! It was all very very good. Linda said no supper tonight! After dinner there was Bingo! What a wonderful weekend here at this ROD park. Sure never expected a shindig like this - all free!! Of course the free breakfasts start again on Tuesday. This full timing can be very inexpensive!

I guess I could become a salesman for Resorts of Distinction based on what we have experienced thus far.

Below are some pictures of the events of the day!

 Linda with the first fish
 One of the good cats - it went home with her!
 Here are two happy fishermen. Biggest fish!
 food on one table. meat was on the table in the back.
 Mark, The owner of Southern Trails RV Resort in Unadilla, GA. If you are on I75 in this area, stop in and say hello to one great guy.
 From the back of the hall looking towards the meat table.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Another day in our new life.  We are really at peace with what we have chosen to do. Linda is happy and content. I know she does not have to work as hard.

Today was another hot day here in Unadilla, Ga. but it was as hot in Florida too. It was a high of 94 here and full sunshine.

Got up and had our free pan cake breakfast again. It is every Tues through Sat - Not a bad deal. We didn't go anywhere today but had a real nice visit with Paul and Julie from Mi. They travel for 7 months a year and stay in Mi to play in the snow. Seems upside down to me - Summer in the hot south and winter in the cold north.
Here are 2 pics of the lake that has the really big cat fish in. Hopefully tomorrow I can share a picture of Linda and me getting the prize for the largest fish.

Friday, May 25, 2012

April 46, 2012

The coach is nearly all waxed now. We had it completely serviced so, with the tank full, we are ready to head out. Still watching our great grandson so we still have a few weeks to go before we start the engine to head out. I can tell you I am ready! Linda and I even went to the dentist and had our teeth cleaned and cavities repaired. Now we will have the glasses checked. We are ready.

Here it is! This week we leave for 7 months on the road traveling the good old USA.

Thurs., the 24th May we leave Florida for Unadilla, Ga. This is our first Resort of Distinction Park on this tril. We will stay at a number of them, and Thousand Trails Parks, on this over 7000 mile trip.

We are completely out of our stick house now and will be full timers from now on. At nearly 75 it is a real change fro me and my wife. I do say that she seems to be looking forward to it. She has been the primary care giver of our 17 month old great grandson and I am sure that that  is a real job.

Got the jacks all slicked up with silicon spray. Will check the 6 house batteries Wed. when I empty the black tank. We expect to pull out by 6:30 on the 24th. Will get to St. Augustine for breakfast.

That is the plan.

Otis and Linda

Chapel located at Southern Trails ROD park we are staying at for one week.

We have a cat fishing contest later this week. I am told there are catfish here over 50 Lbs. We will see what we can catch.

Very hot here today. 85 they say but feels a lot hotter.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 24th.
Got up early (5:30) and on the road at 6:03. Drove 403 miles to Unidadilla, GA to our home Park of Resorts of Distinction. Paid for the next 7 days at a total cost of 14 dollars, 2 per day for 50 amp.
Had great weather and got 9.2 MPG - hope that keeps up.

We are settled in for the next week here. Real nice park with free pancakes for breakfast and then Sat they have a real feast - FREE too.

Looks like full timing is going to work out great.

When we parked and we opened the dish cabinet we got a dish jumping out and going in a million pieces! Well if that is the worst we do - I won't count that at all.

more tomorrow.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The 24th is quickly approaching and we are getting things done. Linda said that we had a leak under the sink. That is not good so I looked into it and found that the seal was leaking at the drain. I took the drain apart (not a hard job) and found that is was installed incorrectly! The gasket that was to go against the top of the sink was put on the bottom and the paper washer was put as the top gasket! Of course it leaked. I went to Lowe's and bought 2 as it looked like the other sink was incorrectly installed also. I could have used the original units as they were in good shape except they had all this putty on them. In any case, this job was done.

This last week Linda went to have her teeth cleaned (me too) and two cavities repaired. She also had her hair done so we are getting closer to being all ready.

I have our spread sheet all ready and we will be reporting on our expenses as we travel. I got the spreadsheet from What a great web site. He really tells it like it is.

I have been researching solar for the coach. Really want to get it so I can be a prepper. So far the best deal is with US SOLAR. One place gave me the following estimate:
I only estimate the labor and will bill it at the actual amount of time required for your installation. A 3-panel system typically will require 20-24 hours if installation time, billed at $100/hour. I can do the installation over a 3-day period at my shop, or I can do it on-site where your coach is parked. On-site service requires travel time and hotel/living expense -reimbursement in addition to the parts/labor for the installation. It will be more cost-effective to bring your coach to Marco Island. We have a secure storage yard adjacent to our facility where the work will be performed.

Assuming that he installation is done here, parts will be approximately $1840 plus shipping and labor approximately $2400. Again, please note that all fees are billed on the actual time and material basis as we do not work from estimates. These are provided solely to give you an idea of the costs involved.
US SOLAR gave me the following:
 We can come to you at the thousand trails rv resort in camp Verde Az. For 3 panels installed plus 30 amp digital charge controller plus wiring and installation would be $1400.00 Please advise if this will work for you. Thanks and sorry i haven't gotten back to you quicker. Been very busy in business. 
Will keep researching but like the USSOLAR thus far,