Friday, June 1, 2012

Thursday June 1, 2012

Really hard to believe that we are in the 6th month of the year already. The older you get the faster time goes.

Really wonderful day today after a rainy - stormy night. Really rained hard. This morning was cool, clear and sunny. Supposed to go into the 50's tonight.

Not much happened today. A "Y"  water hose connector broke so we went to the Home Depot for a replacement. Walked around the resort and enjoyed the weather. Tonight it is supposed to get in the 50's!

A little on the resort. The North Shore Resort at Lake Oconee is located on picturesque Lake Oconee on the site of the old Carey Station Depot. Lake Oconee is Georgia's cleanest lake boasting a variety of water recreational activities, spectacular fishing, boating, canoeing and other water sports. The Oconee National Forest is nearby with nature trails. We can fish free here - all we need to do is go to town and pay 3 bucks handling free for each of us and pick up our license. As this place is built on the railroad theme, there are box cars throughout the park converted to cottages. I took some pictures of the entrance and you readily see the railroad theme.

Met one couple that is about the original resident. He has lived here since 1988. He told me he bought it from a person that didn't want it anymore and paid all of $400.00 for it. I am sure they go for many thousands now!

Below are some pictures. The first one is of Gail, the very friendly lady I told you about yesterday that "checked" us in. The entrance to the park is very unique as it sure shows the railroad theme. One is of my sweet Linda outside of our RV.


Rental Unit
Linda at our RV

Club House

Entrance Guard House


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