Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday June 18, 2012

Not much happening here at Bass Lake, Had a new neighbor move in and they are from Tucson, AZ. Talking with them I find they are originally from Ohio and the wife is from very close to Minerva, Ohio. They have been to this park before it changed ownership and was telling me how it has gone downhill with the new owners. They said the park use to be packed. Now there are about 12 units here. The miniature golf course is totally trashed - over grown with weeds and falling down. Looked like it was a really nice course at one time. 

Yesterday the water was off and I walked up to the office (long way down and up) and there was no one there. There was a number to call and I called and got the maintenance man. I should say his answering service. He called back as I was walking back to our site and said the water should be back on. He was filling the pool and it drains the upper lots. Seems to me that could be a real health problem pulling water from the units into the line - but what do I know. In any case we are all good to go now.

Went to the VA in Salisbury to had one of my meds refilled and it was an easy, if kind of lengthy process.  They were all very nice and helpful as we have found all the VA's to be. With that job done, we stopped at a local food store and got a half gallon of milk. WOW $3.16. It was on the way back to the RV so I got it.

We went to the local Flea Market Sat and it was a really large one. Lots of stuff. One good thing about living in an RV is you are not tempted to buy stuff. No place to put it. We did get some veggies as the price was great and the vegs were really fresh. A big basket of tomatoes were only 3 bucks and 3 large cukes for a buck. Spent most of the day walking the isles there. A really nice day weather wise and a very nice Fathers day with the kids calling. Linda was very good to me too but, as you all know, that is her normal mode of operation.

All is well here and the weather has been outstanding thus far. We are set here until the 28th when we move to a Thousand Trails park here in NC.

Otis and Linda

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