Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 3rd

Wednesday July 3, 2013

Year is half over and moving fast. We are still at Forest Lake Thousand Trails in North Carolina. It has been a very wet week. Rain every night and wet all day long, with some heavy rain thrown in.

We went to the Farmers Market yesterday (in the rain) and got some excellent fruit and vegetables, especially the peaches and beans.

We have all our reservations at our Thousand Trails and Resorts of Distinction parks through the Good Sam Rally in Atlanta in Oct. This will be one of our shorter summer trips - under 5 thousand miles and all east of the Mississippi River. Except for the rain, the trip has been most excellent to date. Out roaming the countryside we have been really happy to see the crops looking so good. Remember last year when the crops were all stunted from the drought.

When I was BBQing some ribs I noticed a black snake skin in our camp. It was very new and was a big guy. We think it was about 5 foot. He must have been in the act of shedding his skin while I was getting the grill ready. The skin was very pliable and did not break when I placed it on the bench for the picture.

New snake skin at our lot

Snake skin on our bench

Our ribs - Linda said they were good

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