Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 18, 2013

Another wonderful day in this good old USA.

We are still in Red Bay, Al at the Tiffin Repair facilities. Lots of Tiffin's here. They have every kind of issue you can imagine. Electronics,  water leaks, awnings, repairs needed done from dogs chewing things they shouldn't, plumbing problems, windows fogging, jacks, and other assorted problems. Seems like the majority are here for three design problems: the wet bay flooring, drivers slideout flooring and the roof rails. Tiffin is covering all these problems under warrantee, with no consideration of age of coach. Takes a day to do the roof rails and the drivers slideout flooring. Only 3 hours for the wet bay replacement. We are all done except for the wet bay retrofit. Kind of boring getting these repairs done as you spend the vast majority of the time waiting for your number to be called and the bay you need to report in. We do have full hookups so all is not bad. Just nothing to do as you have to be present if your number comes up.

Looking ahead, we hope to leave here by Sat. so we can get to Greensboro, Ga and the ROD park we have reservations for a week.

Our travelling companion, Wayne and Marrianne Bittner is still with us. They are having their rails done today and then I do think they are leaving tomorrow. Marrianne has been really sick with the shingles. Spending most of her time in bed. We do hope that she gets over them soon.

On the home front, my granddaughter has completed all the paperwork for the insurance in regard to the lightning strike and expect the electrician out this week so she can submit the insurance claim. Think they want to replace the TV's and computers that were destroyed. So, whether you are on the road in an RV or in a stick house, things happen.

I told Linda that it would be asking for trouble to buy another RV after you get all the bugs out of the one you have now. I have not heard of anyone here having problems with their drive chain so I guess the Freightliner will go the million miles they say.

It is still raining and looks like it will continue for the next day or two.

Below are some pics of Tiffin redoing the wet bays in their coaches. The team that did ous have rebuilt over 600 coaches. All work and labor is at no cost to the customer. The age of the coach doesn't determine if Tiffin pays for the work.

cutting out the old wet bay

in process of removal

cutting out the new material

all old material removed

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