Thursday, June 13, 2013

June 10, 2013

What a great day!! Tim Tebow is now a member of my favorite team, The New England Patriots! It will make watching football really interesting this year. The Patriots play the Jets twice and I sure will be happy to see Tebow scorch them!!

We are stuck here in Red Bay as we are in line to have the wet bay replaced and the side rails replaced. It could take a week to get done here. I hate that but I would hate it worse if Tiffin did not fix it. This coach is my home so I will just preserver and leave with a great coach. I hope to have pictures as we proceed with the repairs.

Still in Red Bay and it is June 13th.  maybe they will start repairs soon. Already had to cancel our reservations at ROD in Greensboro, Ga. Be nice to get on the road again.

Had a shocker! Got a call from my grand daughter and she said the house was hit by lighting and all the electronics were taken out. Hit the Direct TV antenna and went into the house. All TVs, receivers, computers  and other electronics were zapped. This is a fun project to take care of over the phone. In any case, the Direct TV is repaired and the insurance forms are in the process of being submitted. Linda and I thank the Lord for there not being a fire. It rattled the house so bad the large items were thrown off the shelves. There was a vase on the bathroom window and it was thrown off the window and broke on the floor. The alarm system was also zapped! Electrical outlets are suspect as lights go off and on.

I got a call from Doug Anderson and we talked a while and he said he forgot why he had called. I told him that was ok as I forgot who I was talking to. Told him to call back when he remembered. He called back a short time later and he said he had purchased the Emergency Evac  plan from Coach-net. He said he called and talked to them and was convinced it was a lot better than the high price MASA or Sky Med. I already have it. Bought it when FMCA cancelled our benefit. I would recommend you research it before you spend you money.

Here are some pics of the folks here awaiting repairs here at Red Bay.

there are 49 repair bays 

there are 92 full hook up sites

lots of Tiffins here

All sites and bays are filled

They start at 7 and quit at 3. We are told that we may get in for repairs later today. Hope so as it is hot here and nothing to do in Red Bay. We went to a sponsored dinner for MASA. Dinner was good but they wanted over $4000.00 for a lifetime membership. My life time of travel is not expected to make that a good deal. Coach-net is only $169 a year and that includes roadside service. Check it out.

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