Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wednesday August 15, 2012

We have been very busy here at Beaver Creek Resort located in Gaylord, MI. It is probably the nicest campground we have been in on this trip. The area is beautiful and the weather has been perfect. It is 76 as I write this at 3:30 in the afternoon.

Yesterday we traveled about 65 miles to the Mackinac bridge and took a ferry to Mackinac Island. There are two ferries servicing the Island and each ferry leaves every 30 minutes. From the Island and to the Island. I am sure each ferry can transport over 100 people in a run so there is a lot of traffic going and coming from the island. No motorized vehicles are allowed on the island so there are zillion bikes there and about as many horses pulling visitors around on sight seeing tours. Very interesting place. The fort there is very large and impressive. Things are not cheap on the island. Bicycles rent for 8 bucks an HOUR. A 90 minute excursion around the island on a horse drawn carriage cost 24 dollars a person. It is the number one attraction in Michigan. Beautiful place to visit.

Mackinac Island is the truly "all natural" theme park of America. Limited to transportation of horse and buggy, bicycle or foot, surrounded by water, it has escaped the vast changes of time.
Its real Victorian image is preserved and enhanced by a small population of 500 permanent residents and scores of summer residents, maintaining bluff cottages in original state. Families, especially children, love their relatively new found "mobility", exploring the historic, natural beauty of Mackinac Island State Park, honored by National Geographic as one of the ten finest in America.

 When you step off of the Island Ferry Dock, you will be in a living Victorian village. Please cross streets on straight angles rather than diagonally and be aware of horses, bikes and people stepping off of carriages, enjoy the downtown hustle and bustle of the early 1800s but don't miss the beauty of the Island's interior and peaceful lakefront perimeter path.

Our motivation for visiting the Island was to visit with my sisters, Patty, Rose and Linda, Patty's granddaughter Marisa and Linda's daughter Patricia. We had a wonderful day visiting with them. We will meet them again tomorrow morning for breakfast at the Sugar Bowl Restaurant here in Gaylord as they travel from Mackinac Island back to Ohio. This was a surprise trip for my sister Patty for her 70th birthday.

 Below are some pictures we took on our outing yesterday and a  resort entrance here.

Entrance to our resort

Diner on Mackinac Island

Lutz's family at pier

Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island

Rooster tail from ferry

Bridge as we approached Mackinac Island

Mackinac Bridge from ferry


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