Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday August 26, 2012

We have been real busy visiting the many interesting places in the area. We have also been busy with the full timers from Texas we met here at Bear Cave Resort.

We first went to the city of Shipshewana and the famous market there. It was a nice drive from Buchanan to Shipshewana on a good 4 lane highway. When we arrived we were amazed at the size of the "market". It cost us 3 dollars to park in a field that was a long ways from the actual vendor location. The attendant taking the monies said it cost so much because of the drought that led to an increase in the cost of watering the area. We can testify to the effects of the drought as we passed corn fields in Ohio and Michigan that were all a total loss. Fortunately, rain came in time to save the soy bean crop but the devastation caused by the drought was  everywhere on our travels. I would recommend a trip to Shipshewana to all who visit the area.

an OLD Ford RV
Our next outing was to the Motor Home Hall of Fame in Elkhart, IN. The units we are using today are a far cry from what these early units offered. All the old RV's were interesting to see and I would have to place them as a small step above a good tent! It was a start that has led us to where we now drive really great homes on wheels around the United States, staying in great RV Parks. We are truly fortunate to have the opportunity to travel in such a great country.

Buchanan Michigan is a really nice small town that has that small town feel and attitude. We visited their town park where they had a farmers market set up. It was a nice farmers market with a real bonus. They had free concerts throughout the day with local musicians performing all day  and a band from Chicago as the headliner Saturday evening. It was a very enjoyable day.
Getting set up for music in the park

First group of the day 

There was one songwriter/musician who sang his own creations. He performed for a half hour and his songs were all about eating local grown food! This was certainly different and I don't think he will make it on Americas got talent.

Watching the concert                                                                                   

 That is me - in the empty chair. On Linda's right is Maxine, our new friend from Texas. The guy in green is her husband, Jim. They have been full timers for 6 years and loving it. Really nice couple. We have enjoyed playing cards with them and going on outings, too.

the MAIN selection of the concert

That was the end of the day for us.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Inside Bear Cave.
Water Fall in park
Water Fall at Miniture Golf Beaver Creek
Beaver Creek Welcome sign

 We are now at Buchanan, Michigan and will be here for 2 weeks. It is another Thousand Trails Resort so it is no cost to stay here. 
Entrance to Bear Cave Office Area
 Bear Cave is the only cavern in the Great Lakes area. Formed in rare "tufa rock" (a secondary limestone) this particular bed is estimated by geologists to be at least 25,000 years old, and rests on a glacial drift deposited during the last ice age 50,000 years ago. Beautiful stalactites, flowstone, petrified leaves, and strange shapes, all delicately colored by the metal oxides of native ores, are present throughout the cave. In 1875, the "goods" from an Ohio bank robbery were hidden in the ca ve. Inspired by this event, Bear Cave was featured in the 1903 movie The Great Train Robbery -- now considered a silent film classic, and the forerunner of the thriller movies of today. Outside, the area surrounding Bear Cave is rich in wooded hills, wildflowers, deep ravines, and of course, the magnificent St. Joseph River.

Bear Cave Resort is a good location to visit the many tourist attractions in northern Indianna. 
Our RV site at Bear Cave
Parking entrance $3 bucks per car

From the days of Chief Shipshewana of the Potawatomi tribe of Native Americans to the settlement years, to modern day, the people of this unique Indiana town have left a rich legacy.
Lots of these at Shipshewand
Visitors ride in a horse drawn buggy in a pleasant tour of the downtown.
normal mode of transportation
Shipshewana is located in rural Newbury Township of LaGrange Country in northern Indiana. Agriculture is the primary industry, followed by retail and a light industry of manufactured homes and recreational vehicles. The town is less than one square mile in size with a population of approximately 536. Though small, Shipshewana hosts one of the nation's largest flea markets and some 150 retail shops, attracting over half a million visitors each year.

Shipshewana Town Center provides conference and convention space for up to 1,000 guests, and is home to the new Hudson Museum in Shipshewana.
This is the town center of Shipshewana
Shipshewana and LaGrange County are home to the "plain people": Mennonite and Amish. Their influence contributes to Shipshewana's unique small town atmosphere, which is also characterized by quaint downtown buildings, quality schools, a gracious park, a library of distinction, and a respect for people of faith, all of which are highly valued by its many long time residents.
The community also is generally well-kept; street trees and flowers are a part of the attractive appearance. Holiday decorations reflect the Christian values during the Christmas season, and are a source of pride for many Shipshewana residents. Most businesses are closed in the evenings and on Sundays, reflecting the Mennonite-Amish tradition of strong family values and close ties within the community.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday August 21, 2012

We have relocated to Buchanan, Mi, another Thousand Trails Park here in Michigan. It is a very nice park on a nice river. It is very close to some of the things we want to see and visit, such as Shipshewana, IN, Elkhart, IN, some RV manufacturers and the MH Hall of Fame. We are close to some of our former square dancers who lived in Melbourne when I was a  square dance caller and we had a nice visit with them today.

The weather has continued to be fantastic with cool nights and wonderful warm day with clear blue skies.

Linda had a wonderful birthday on the 19th which we celebrated before we left Gaylord and again here in Buchanan as there is a Chinese restaurant here and that is her favorite.

Short entry today but tomorrow we will have pictures and a report on Shipshewana.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday August 17, 2012

It is WINTER here. It has not gotten above 60 yet today and it is 12:20! Supposed to be in the 40's tonight
Lots of cold wind today. Rain has moved south.

Met the new neighbors today. He has a new Tiffin Bus and they are coming over this evening to learn hand and foot cards.

We finally got our new Thousand Trails membership number so I was able to make reservations for two weeks at Bear Cave in Buchanan, MI. This will be our last two weeks in Mi. We plan to visit the RV hall of fame from here and also to go to Shipshewana in IN. We will also be going to Plymouth, IN to visit some friends that had moved from Melbourne, FL to North Augusta, SC and just recently to Plymouth, IN.

Wanted to include some pictures of this fine resort we are staying at here in Gaylord, MI. Talked to some friends from the Challengers RV group from Florida and they have made arrangements to come to MI again next year. It is a great place to spend the summer. Lots to see and do and really wonderful weather.

Our RV site

Welcome at Store

Indoor swimming pool and REC area

Water fall at miniature golf

Entrance to Beaver Creek

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wednesday August 15, 2012

We have been very busy here at Beaver Creek Resort located in Gaylord, MI. It is probably the nicest campground we have been in on this trip. The area is beautiful and the weather has been perfect. It is 76 as I write this at 3:30 in the afternoon.

Yesterday we traveled about 65 miles to the Mackinac bridge and took a ferry to Mackinac Island. There are two ferries servicing the Island and each ferry leaves every 30 minutes. From the Island and to the Island. I am sure each ferry can transport over 100 people in a run so there is a lot of traffic going and coming from the island. No motorized vehicles are allowed on the island so there are zillion bikes there and about as many horses pulling visitors around on sight seeing tours. Very interesting place. The fort there is very large and impressive. Things are not cheap on the island. Bicycles rent for 8 bucks an HOUR. A 90 minute excursion around the island on a horse drawn carriage cost 24 dollars a person. It is the number one attraction in Michigan. Beautiful place to visit.

Mackinac Island is the truly "all natural" theme park of America. Limited to transportation of horse and buggy, bicycle or foot, surrounded by water, it has escaped the vast changes of time.
Its real Victorian image is preserved and enhanced by a small population of 500 permanent residents and scores of summer residents, maintaining bluff cottages in original state. Families, especially children, love their relatively new found "mobility", exploring the historic, natural beauty of Mackinac Island State Park, honored by National Geographic as one of the ten finest in America.

 When you step off of the Island Ferry Dock, you will be in a living Victorian village. Please cross streets on straight angles rather than diagonally and be aware of horses, bikes and people stepping off of carriages, enjoy the downtown hustle and bustle of the early 1800s but don't miss the beauty of the Island's interior and peaceful lakefront perimeter path.

Our motivation for visiting the Island was to visit with my sisters, Patty, Rose and Linda, Patty's granddaughter Marisa and Linda's daughter Patricia. We had a wonderful day visiting with them. We will meet them again tomorrow morning for breakfast at the Sugar Bowl Restaurant here in Gaylord as they travel from Mackinac Island back to Ohio. This was a surprise trip for my sister Patty for her 70th birthday.

 Below are some pictures we took on our outing yesterday and a  resort entrance here.

Entrance to our resort

Diner on Mackinac Island

Lutz's family at pier

Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island

Rooster tail from ferry

Bridge as we approached Mackinac Island

Mackinac Bridge from ferry


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday August 12, 2012

God blessed us again today. After rain for three days, we got up to a beautiful clear day here in Michigan. It is move day so we are thankful for the clear skies and warm temperature. We got on the road about 8:30 and had a very leisurely drive to the Flying J at exit 151 0n I75. We disconnected the car and drove  back to exit 144 for a dinner engagement with my three sisters, Rosemary, Patty (celebrating? her 70th birthday), and Linda. What a wonderful time we had. Could not linger near as long as we wished as my sisters are on their way to Mackinac Island here in the upper peninsular of MI.  With my three sisters are Linda's daughter Patty and Patty's granddaughter Marisa. We had a wonderful mini reunion.

The three days of rain made our coach leveling jacks sink into the mud. On the drivers side we sunk about 4 inches into the stuff. I could tell we were off level when Linda said it felt like we were tipping over and the TV lost the satellite signal.  We put some boards and leveling blocks under the jacks and we were level again. I guess you will experience all events when you are full timing. So far we have been very blessed on our travels.

Fuel prices are  way up now. Paid over 4 bucks for diesel and nearly 4 for regular gasoline.  Well, we are parked most of the time so it will not interfere with our travel plans.

We went to visit the beautiful town Frankenmuth, Mi while waiting for my sisters to arrive from Ohio. Many interesting shops and sights in this "Bavarian" town. A couple of pictures are below.

We are now settled in the Flying J till we go to ROD park, Beaver Creek, in Gaylord, MI in the morning.

Town Square in Frankenmuth, MI

Many Horse Drawn vehicles in town

Our mini reunion at the Cracker Barrel

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wednesday August 8, 2012

Been a couple of days but we have been busy. We have had Dr. Ron and Jan Nelson come join us at St. Claire. We went out for our 51 st Anniversary and had a delightful meal with Ron and Jan. We have along side of us another Dr. from Florida. Ed and Sue. Really nice couple and the 2 Doctors, Jan, Sue, Linda and  I have spent many hours visiting. Been an excellent time here.

The weather here is outstanding. At night we have to turn the heat on as it gets into the 50's and during the day it stays in the high 70's to high 80's. Not high humidity and a nice breeze. Wonderful weather.

With such a wonderful setting, I have wondered what our world would be like if we were to be able to live in peace with the world! We don't watch the news hardly at all as we don't want the negatives to mess up our good vibes. It is hard to imagine our wonderful country being able to recover from the financial and moral mess we find ourselves in. This is when I remember the wonderful promise that God has given us:

2 Chronicles  7:14

"if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

I thought, WOW. There is a way from here to there! And it does not depend upon anyone other than those who profess to be Christians. There is no number limit or time limit. I guess it means that we have to be a little LESS tolerant of the things we know to be sin and stand up for what is right in God's sight.  I will only mention one of the things we are taught to be tolerant of to show what we must turn from to have God heal our land.

Romans 1:27

In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

Well, Linda and I are out praising God for his goodness and  watch-care over us so I will just say we are having a really great time .

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thursday August 2, 2012

We are now settled into our new lot at the Thousand Trail resort at Saint Clair, MI. It is another very nice resort with numerous activities provided by the park. It is located very close to Canada on the Saint Clair River. 

The St. Clair River is a 40.5-mile-long (65.2 km)[1] river in central North America which drains Lake Huron into Lake St Clair, forming part of the international boundary between the Canadian province of Ontario and the U.S. state of Michigan. The river is a significant component in the Great Lakes Waterway, with shipping channels permitting cargo vessels to travel between the upper and lower Great Lakes.

We drove to Port Huron today and found a post office to mail our absentee ballots. I had heard that this waterway was one of the busiest in the world. I must have read wrong as  it was not busy at all. Linda and I watched the traffic on the Rhine River in Germany and THAT is one busy river. It was an interesting trip with turn outs provided to observe the waterway.

The weather is great. It is up to 82 now but the wind is cool. Staying in the shade makes all good.

In the C area here at St Clair there are over 50% of the RVs are from Florida. All friendly. Next to us in a beautiful 2002 Foretravel that absolutely looks brand new,  a Doctor - retired - of orthopedic surgery. He and his wife, Sue are really nice folks. He is form Florida. On the other side is another couple from Florida. Bill and his wife Carol are also from Florida  and good neighbors. This will be a very nice place to be for a couple weeks. 

our new lot to park our home on

plenty of room 

looking to the right from our Phaeton