Tuesday, September 18, 2012

This is a picture of the University of Mexico Hospital. It is shown as this is a place I went to after our arrival at the ROD park in Tijeras, NM. We were getting the coach ready to travel to Tuscon and I was walking to the front of the coach to get in and put the slides in when I was hit with a terrible heart attack. Linda pulled me in the coach and got me my Nitro patch and a couple aspirin. I took a couple nitro tablets and proceeded to throw up and get the clammy sweats. I hurt so bad I could not move. Linda called 911 and we had the medics here in short time from the UNMMC. There were 5 of them and they immediately started the nitro drip and gave me lots of morphine for the pain. I had never had morphine before but I can see why they give it to seriously injured servicemen. I think they gave me 3 shots before they (all of them) lifted me out of the coach on a fireman's blanket. In the ambulance I got more morphine and more when I got to the hospital. Xrays and blood were taken and it was confirmed I had a heart attack. I had a heart cauterisation and it was determined there was nothing they can do for the heart anymore. Not complaining as I had open heart surgery in 1986 and the doctor said then I was good for 7 years. It has been over 25 years and I have no complaints. God has been good to us and we can only praise Him for His care. We are now on a higher dose of nitro time release medicine and it should keep me going a while longer. I will stay out of the mountains from now on as is is to heard to breath at altitude.
One thing I would like to pass along that I learned by this experience and that is the importance of a "bug out bag". We got to the hospital without any of the things we needed so I will list the things that will be included in our "bug out bag".
Insurance policy and cards, Cell phone charger, tooth paste and brush, comb (for those of you that have hair), June issue of FMCA mag for names and phone numbers of volunteers that can help you, pass ports, park membership phone numbers, membership copies, list of medicines you are taking,

I am tired so this is all for now.

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