Monday, July 16, 2012

Sunday July 15, 2012

Been a while since last post. We left NC and the Humming Birds were not happy. We had a feeder outside our living room window and took it down the evening prior to our leaving. When I got up the next morning and was in the kitchen getting ready to eat, the hummingbird came up to the window, and as plain as day, wanted to know where his feeder was. He flew over to the living room window and back to the window I was at and just stayed there, wanting to know where his feeder was. I should have taken it out and he probably would have eaten out of my hand! What a wonderful experience!

We are now in Ohio at our faimily reunion. The attendance was down this year to nearly 100. The weather has been wonderful and everyone has had a wonderful time. Linda and I really got a wonderful surprise on Sat morning. We had gone in to Minerva to get some ice and rolls for dinner and when we came home, our  granddaughter, her husband and our great grandson were there to greet us! What a great day we had! Couldn't have been better.

The gas and oil company have brought real prosperity to this area. They have gone to all the land owners in the area and bought leases to the oil and gas on the property. It is a 10 year lease and if they do drill on your property and they get oil or gas, you get 17% of the income!  Our neighbor across the street got 560,000 dollars. A lot of folks got a real windfall. Praise the Lord. We are real happy for the folks here as it has been real tough on the local economy for a number of years.

I have included some pictures of the things we did here at the reunion. Hope you enjoy them.

Our lot at Forest Lake NC

Band performing at Forest Lake
Hummingbird feeder on our coach

one of our little friends

As the food was being put our at family reunion

Going down the chow line

one of the children's activity
Fishing at the lake at reunion

Under the tent
My oldest brother Mark

This was our great surprise - granddaughter her husband and son
Corn hole competition.

There were many other activities such as hay ride. bon fire, wiener roast, smores,  Friday night pizza and Margaretta. All in all a really great weekend for the nearly 100 in attendance. All is planned for the 2013 reunion. Our grandson in law won second place in the corn hole contest.

If  my brother Dallas had been able to attend it would have been perfect. Love you Dallas

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