Thursday, October 3, 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

This is our last month on the road for this trip. We will soon return to Florida for the winter. Already looking forward to our next outing. May go west next year if we can get away from Florida early enough.

We had a really good time in Kentucky at the Diamond Cave Resort. It is a really nice facility with an excellent restaurant nearby. On Friday there were about 50 cars coming in around our site. We had all these folks coming out of their cars and putting up tents! There were two tents per site. I said to Linda, we may have to move!  Not so! The folks were really great. Turns out they were Jehovah Witnesses out for their bi-annual campout. They were from Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. I did not know that blacks were Jehovah Witnesses. In any case they were wonderful folks and left the area cleaner than when they arrived. We had nice visits with them and hated to see them leave. What nice things happen when you travel in an RV.

We are now in Lenoir, NC at the Green Mountain Thousand Trail Resort. A really beautiful park. In a forest and the satellite receiver would not  find the satellite through the trees so we set up the portable dish. Didn't get it perfect as there is one satellite we do not receive so some of the high definition channels do not come in. I could align it again but Linda said it is fine the way it is. We are ready to watch the Gators Saturday now. We met a fellow gator across from us. He graduated from Florida a couple years after me and they are coming over Saturday  to watch the game with us. 

really nice kids playground

one of the lakes we were parked on

a few of the Jehova camps

more camp sites

still more & we didn't show them all

Lenoir NC site - secluded
we are in the mountains here - see the sat antenna

sure is a beautiful place